What’s so “Civil” about the Civil War?

One reason why the Civil War was not civil is that the colonies were barley a stable nation. Waging war on each other, separating into two different sides, and killing one another will only create opportunities for outside forces to claim U.S. grounds. Great Britain could come in and seize what they failed to do during the American Revolution. Canada could want to expand their country and sensing that U.S. is at such a weak point, it would not be hard.

Another reason that this war was not civil is because people did not fight because they feel strongly or the cause. As professor Fahs said during lecture, there was a strong sense of Sentimental Domesticity. Men were attached to their homes, families, and lives. It was during this period that some people paid their way out of fighting in the war. If they didn’t feel strongly about the cause, how can they win? As the saying goes, you must fight for what you believe in. The side who does that will win, most of the time.

The Civil war had, by far, the most casualties than other wars. Though fair enough, all the soldiers were American. Many of the soldiers who fought for the North were African American. They believed that even if they were to die in battle, they would at least die fighting for something they believe in. Not to mention that African Americans had no other choice than to fight. If they didn’t join the Union, they would continue to be slaves. Where is the civility in that?

The end of the Civil War ended slavery; yet that was just the beginning of segregation. African Americans fought for equal rights as white men, to be seen as more than just a field hand. So as you can hopefully see, African Americans suffered before, during, and after the Civil War. People, namely African Americans, died for a cause that was not even about them.


2 thoughts on “What’s so “Civil” about the Civil War?

  1. This post was good as it brought in four different effects of the Civil War and each was explained with some facts. Also, the last paragraph that brought up segregation could lead the next blog post to be about segregation or how the civil war made things worse in a way.


  2. Also, perhaps expanding more on the reasons why the North and South could not agree and why war was the only option would help develop and introduce the claims in the following paragraphs more. For example, why the South needed the slaves or why the North was against slavery. Then, continuing with segregation either at the end of this post or another post would help round off the arguments.


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